Leadership Academy for Pastors (step 1)

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작성자 nsd지도자훈련원
조회 2,950 view 작성일 2020.06.09 22:29


To help pastors to practice full capacity of their leadership in their position of the organization, we provide specialized intensive programs for the pastors. This Leadership Academy is consist of 3 steps; step 1 for basic of Christian leadership; step 2 for Communication intensive course; step 3 for leadership for church growth.

* Leadership Academy for Korean Pastors (step 1)

* Date. 10. 19(M) 16:00 - 23(Th) 12:00

* Venue: Jeju Leadership Training Center

* Reg. Fee: Free($320.00 , Supported by NSD, KUC, Conferences, Air Fare is self support by attendees)

* Apply: Local Conference office(Secretariat)

* Phone inquiry: 064-805-9011