목회자 부부세미나

Pastors Couple Seminar

Schedule Table
Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
06:30~07:30 Welcome L-Garden Prayer Trail Prayer Beach Prayer
07:30~08:30 Breakfast
09:00~10:30 Nest type Analysis Children &Parents' role Aging &Menopause
11:00~12:30 Understanding
Conflict b/t
Husband & wife
Tasting Heaven
on Earth
12:30~13:30 Lunch
13:30~14:00 Registration Healing Time
in Nature
16:30~17:30 Key for Happy Marriage
17:30~18:30 Dinner
19:00~20:30 Koinonia 5 Languages of Love Sex & Love
20:30~22:00 Rest and Personal Prayer
22:00~06:00 Sleep

* The timetable may change depending on the circumstances.