Marriage Seminar for Pastors - 20 couples
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작성자 nsd지도자훈련원
조회 2,305 view 작성일 2020.08.01 14:29
조회 2,305 view 작성일 2020.08.01 14:29
"Give a special vacation for your spouse!"
Here is a great chance to have special summer vacation with your spouse.
Mark on your calendar for this event.
You will never disappointed attending this special program.
Date: 2020. 8. 28(Fri) 10:00 am - 31(Mon) 12:00 pm
Vanue: Jeju Leadership Training Center
Speaker: Park Sung Ha(Dean of Rodem Academy), Jason Yoon(Director of Leadership Training Center)
Phone: 82-64-805-9011
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