Marriage Seminar for Pastors' couple

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작성자 nsd지도자훈련원
조회 2,031 view 작성일 2020.11.26 20:34


Marriage Seminar for Pastors' couple (this time for Korean pastor's couple only due to Covid-19) will be soon.
Why don't you give a special vacation for your spouse?

Date : Dec. 14(M) 16:00 - 17(Th) 12:00

Vanue : NSD Leadership Training Center in Jeju

Main Speaker : Pastor Park, Sung-Ha (President of Rhodem Academy)

Recruit : 20 couples (first come first served)

Registration Fee : 150,000KW (per couple, Rest of the expenses supported by NSD)

Inquiring No. : 82-64-805-9010